Keep the Discussion Going

It has been a long time since my last blog entry, but I was busy founding a new educational startup called Project Pals. Project Pals is a web-based application where students can create projects with others. Project Pals is focused on “How to Solve the Problem” based on established findings in cognitive science. The application is not complete and I am still navigating my way through the tremendous hurdles of forming a startup.

While being consumed with my work at Project Pals,I realized that creating an educational startup is never complete without an ongoing dialog with the education world about the problems it is trying to solve and how those are reflected in the topics that are defining the current conversation in education.

It is never too late to add my five cents to the great discussion that is going on about important topics in education such as:project-based learning, educational reform, aligning education with the latest findings in cognitive science, the common core and other important topics.

So, this is my first attempt to keep the conversation going………
